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tv   Piers Morgan Tonight  CNN  August 30, 2012 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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page and tell us whether representative paul ryan makes you enthusiastic about the gop ticket. here are the ruls. 51% of you say he makes you more enthusiastic. 33% say he makes you less enthusiastic. 16% says it doesn't change your opinion at all. instantaneous reactions. >> instantaneous and you have to say, it seems all in. probably pretty good for paul ryan and the ryan team when you see the numbers. considering people didn't know who he was at all. >> whether you agree or disagree. let's go back to john king. did he deliver a powerful speech that really got this republican crowd enthused. >> the goal as we get toward the moment of this convention is to have paul ryan. get some people out there to give him another look. i think those numbers will be encouraging. this is strategic arc of a convention. paul ryan called mitt romney the turn-around man.
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he said the country has had the talk and now we need a turn-around. the chile for mitt romney tomorrow. is it to be i'm mr. nuts and bolts or should you like me. you can trust me. more personal. >> it is to be -- set the vision of where we could go under his leadership is compelling. if could i use a metaphor. like a plane. i think paul ryan put one wing on the plane last night. ann romney put another wing on the plane. condi rice put some fuel in the engine. now mitt romney has to fly the plane. >> if some voters are thinking about firing the president, they have to look at mitt romney tomorrow night as his replacement. you know, you can't fire somebody until you know who is going to take his place. that's what mitt romney has to do. make himself presidential. >> i think for mitt romney, conventional wisdom, he has to be more likable. connect with people. in this case conventional wisdom is accurate. he needs to have people click and like him.
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sort of the way paul ryan does. the moment i was waiting for was the elevator thing. paul ryan set it up. he made the joke about his boss listens to elevator music. mitt romney needs to make a joke back about paul ryan and elevator music. humor for mitt romney is a big ingreeden. >> it is and hard for him. >> james? >> you have a unique place in our conversation. you have a unique place in recent political history. you beat an incumbent president. bill clinton and george bush both served two terms. you beat an incumbent president. >> i would rather see him accomplish likability tomorrow night than establish himself as somebody that people say could turn this thing around. usually the favorables in the end will line up with the vote. i think that romney's challenge tomorrow night is to say, you know what? this guy can do. this i think that is it. a nice set-up, the elevator
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music and that kind of stuff. your wife endorses you, your mother endorses you. in the end it doesn't down for a lot. >> we heard, it was subtle from paul ryan. more direct from mike huckabee earlier in the night. about mitt romney's religion. paul ripe said we go to different churches but we share the same moral creed. mike huckabee directly addressed it. he said some evangelicals might have questions about mitt romney. he didn't use the word mormon but he said his faith. took it smart head on. smart? >> it was what he could say. when you look at how mitt romney is retaining so much of the republican base and the republican vote, i don't know that's where this election will come down. to this is not george h.w. bush in 1992 who did have a problem with that. romney has it because he is running against barack obama. >> they must have felt, to do it, to invite it. they vet the speeches. to invite it they must think it was something they wanted done. is it for this hall or for the country at large? >> i think the country at large.
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and paul ryan did it as well. what he has to do, has not been done yet. to lay out a plan for the economy that will actually get us there that is credible. that's what ronald reagan did to take it away from jimmy carter and that's what bill clinton did to take it away in '92. >> he has to be more than mr. fix-it or an efficiency expert. he has to come across as trustworthy, presidential and plausible as a replacement for president obama. >> people start to believe this is not the new normal. we don't have to accept this. it can get reversed. that's powerful. the mood of the country sort of is. nobody can fix it. it is that bad. if romney can convince people he can fix it, that is powerful. >> yeah. and if romney is going to have to also convince, great skepticism whether he can fix it in a way that it can relate to average voters. he has a big job tomorrow night at this convention. and thus far, that has not been accomplished. to be fair to the republicans, you're not going to accomplish that until the last night.
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>> to be fair to the republicans. >> we'll write that down. and as we go back to you, mitt romney has a big job tomorrow night in a very competitive presidential election. he gets his shot at the american people tomorrow night in this tampa convention hall. pressure is clearly on mitt romney for tomorrow night. you will be here. i'll be here. our entire team will be here forward to that next week. the democratic convention in charlotte looking forward to that as well. for all of us, thank you very much for watching. piers morgan tonight is next. the beer is flowing and the buzz is all about paul ryan's big speech. mitt romney's running mate throwing some red meat to the hungry party faithful. in just a minute i'll ask a man who knows a thing or two about running for president. rudolph giuliani. did ryan push the right buttons? i'll talk to my all-star team and i'll talk to one of the top
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people in the obama campaign. we begin with paul ryan. listen to some of it in his own words. >> after four years of getting the run-around, america needs a turn-around and the man for the job is governor mitt romney. >> we will not duck the tough issues. we will lead. we will not spend the next four years blaming others. we will take responsibility. we will not try to replace our founding principles. we will reapply our founding principles. the work ahead will be hard. these times demand the best of all of us. all of us, but we can do this. we can do this. together, we can do this. let's see this thing all the way through. let's get this done!
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>> that's what everyone here is about. i don't think anyone here as you can tell. one of our contributors, it is buzzing, exciting. people here i think feel they've been energized document. this is the man i want to talk to. america's man, rudolph giuliani. how are you? >> i'm very excited. i was very uplifted by tonight's speeches. particularly paul ryan and condoleezza rice. i thought they hit home runs. >> they certainly got e going but it was all about paul ryan. >> of course. he's the man mitt romney has chosen for running mate. what are the buttons you think he hit? >> first he was attacked for wanting to kill medicare. he made it very, very clear with his mom there that he believes in medicare. what he wants to do is preserve it. i think he killed that lie immediately. i think he showed the wisdom of governor romney's choice. that this is a man who really understands our budget. understands our economy. feels very, very strongly about our country. and i mean, put it simply, what
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he said was you have a choice. you can build up government to try to solve the problem or you can put money back into the hands of private people and let them rebuild our economy. i think americans will choose the second. that's essentially what we are. we're essentially a private economy. and we've been great because we've been a private economy. and this president has created much too much domination by the government. >> i think what the party faithful enjoyed, he really went after barack obama. chris christie was rumored to be the one to do that. he didn't. ryan went after him. not entirely accurate. there were a few stories that he talked about, the janesville plant that shut down, it shut down in president bush's tenure. so he was a bit naughty on the facts, wasn't he? >> when people give speeches, not every fact was absolutely accurate. president obama has said a lot of inaccuracies, mopefully by mistake. the general thrust of the speech was the american people have a choice. much bigger government. much bigger private sector. we've tried a much bigger
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government. we have the worst unemployment since the great depression. the most permanent unemployed in about 60 years. president obama is not asking for a second term. he is asking for a second chance. and you don't get a second chance when you've done such a horrible job he's done. >> by making such a dynamic speech tonight, paul ryan, i know whether the democrats like it or not. the republican party faithful really enjoyed it. that puts huge pressure on mitt romney tomorrow. he has to follow some great speech. his wife made a great speech. chris christie made a great speech. paul ryan, ricondoleezza rice. brilliant speeches. >> mitt romney has succeeded in everything he's done in life. but enormously successful in business which is the reason i think he should be president. if he can have those kinds of results for america, we're all going to be better off. he was successful in running an olympics that was going to be canceled. he was successful as governor. he will do a very, very good job
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tomorrow night. and here's what it does with the ryan speech tonight. the first choice of presidential candidate has to make is, their vice president. tonight's speech showed that the first choice that mitt romney made is a very wise one and a very intelligent one. this is a very, very smart and decent man that he selected for vice president. >> he was interesting about faith. the fact that he and mitt romney are from different faiths they share common moral values was the way i think he put it. what did you make of it? >> i thought it was brilliant. this issue of being a mormon is an issue that has been out there for a long time. i thought paul ryan handled it in a beautiful way. yes, there are differences in beliefs but it is the same moral code. it is one of the thing that has formed mitt romney into a man that is maybe one of the most philanthropic men who has ever run for president in the united states. his religion formed. that he diffused a lot of the problems the democrats of
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raised. medicare, entitlements, the question of religion. i think he handled it absolutely beautifully. >> whether he was entirely factually accurate is up for question on a number of issues that he raised. what he is indisputable is that paul ryan has a plan. and that makes him quite a formidable opponent for barack obama and the democrats. until he came along, nobody was quite sure what mitt romney's plan would be. now he has chosen the vp who at least has a plan. >> i think i was on your show when i said this was a gutsy choice by mitt romney. he decided we'll have a substantive election. what direction will this country go with? i think that paul ryan has created that substance in this election and i think mitt romney will follow tomorrow and outline in even more detail the direction he wants to take the country. >> what are the possible weak knows as a team is foreign policy. and condoleezza rice kind of made that even more glaring today by sounding so informed and articulate about foreign policy. making people think, wow, i wish
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maybe she were on the ticket. she's not. two guys who do not have much foreign policy experience. you know how that is for manager. >> they have a lot more than barack obama did when barack obama got elected president. he had none. mitt romney has been an international businessman. president obama had just about never traveled outside the united states except for the time he grew up in hawaii. i mean, and went to, wherever it was. malaysia or someplace like that. these people have considerably more foreign policy experience than a lot of people who run for president. i think the best president of the second half of the 20th century, the most effectual on foreign policy had no foreign policy experience. ronald reagan. he was just a dam good leader and i think ryan and romney have that quality. would you if you were romney if you win in november, you would have to be tempted to bring back condoleezza rice. >> after that speech tonight? >> would be you want her as secretary of state again? >> i have never seen arrives
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arrives give a political speech. what it says to me, she is worried about the country. you don't come out of the hollowed position she is in and get engaged in this political debate unless you feel very, very strongly. >> finally, there was a big, big moment tonight when music reared its ugly head. are you a led zeppelin ac/dc man or more of an elevator guy? >> i am a placido domingo man. i'm really out of it. i'm opera and beethoven and mozart and string quartet. >> does it matter for presidential candidates or running mates, what are they listen to on their ipods? >> it doesn't matter that they listen to music. music calm you down and forms your life. you pick your music. and i think what paul ryan was doing was making a connection with the younger generation. and saying that we have some of these differences. but we're together on the essential philosophy of governing which is, we trust
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people. the democrats trust only government. >> you've made big speech in your life, rudy. tomorrow mitt romney has to make the speech of his life, isn't he? >> yeah. but he's made a lot of speech. i think the paul ryan speech was the one where there was no pressure. because paul has never given a speech of this consequence before. he did a great job. mitt romney has been through 25, 30 debates. many speeches. he will do a great job. >> rudy, the party is erupting around you. i think it is because you're here. >> we're all excited about paul's performance. >> i think there is a buzz in the room. good to see you. take care. all the best. i've now been joined by a brace of governors. welcome, gentlemen. governor, how are you? >> very well. thank you. >> good to see you. and governor tom corbin of pennsylvania. good to see you. we just had america's mayor giving his verdict on the speeches. give me your verdict straightaway. what was the feeling in the room? >> there was electricity in the room. the message was clear. we've got a problem.
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we have to fix it. we can do it. and we can't spend more money than we're bringing in. a pretty clear message. i think it was a home run. >> a home run for you, too in. >> i believe so, actually. everyone in america understands that we have to fix our fiscal situation right away. we're going to end up paying for this and our children and grandchildren. and paul ryan tonight came across clearly as someone who understands the issue and will get it done. >> part of the problem for the republicans, the democrats say look. we inherited one of the great financial hospital passes of all time. you guys gave us the bank in ruins. they've got a bit of a point. ? the point is they've had four years to fix it and they haven't. you can't keep blaming the past. i inherited an office. $4 billion in debt. that administration left it for me. we got rid of that. we balanced the budget. we're not spending more money. that's exactly what mitt romney
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and paul ryan are going to do. >> mitt romney stands up tomorrow night, he is following some big speeches. we discussed that already. paul ryan was a good speech. condoleezza rice a great speech. even mitt romney's wife made an amazing speech. what advice would you give mitt romney if you were having a private conversation with him now? number one issue out there is jobs. he understands how jobs are created. she bring that message across to america in a way that everyone can understand how those jobs will be created and the fact that he has the expertise to indeed accomplish that mission. >> condoleezza rice really electrified the whole place. she was i'm happy doing my lecturing and stuff. i've done the big job. i don't buy it, do you? >> i think once you've been on that stage and you come back to the stage for a moment. you really show how good you are on the stage. i can also understand where she may like being at stanford. i hope she's not done public
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service because she is too valuable a resource to lose. paul ryan, are you concern that he may not have the bigger picture? not at all. i served with him in congress. he is knowledgeable about these issues. respected by both sides of the aisle. no one will disagree with me that he is someone that understands budgetary issues better than anyone in congress. he understands what needs to happen and understands the consequences of doing nothing which is what we've been doing for the last four years. >> do you think he is doing enough, mitt romney, for the black vote, the latino vote. >> as an hispanic when we get around the dinner table, we talk about jobs, to the sentence that both governor romney and paul ryan can deliver a clear message on both issues, that will come across very strongly. >> we find a lot more about mitt
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romney as the man, as the father, as the grandfather, as the husband. is that helping him? as the american people get to see another side to the guy? >> i think it helps him very much so. people need to know who he is other than what they've seen in opposition commercials. the best person who can do that is his wife and the people who know him. he has to let the people know why he is running for president and that he cares about the people of the united states. and i can't imagine that he doesn't care and still run for president. this is an important speech for him. i feel great confidence that he will do it well. >> he has to, better passion, a bit of emotion. he has to rock this crowd tomorrow. >> i agree. there is no other way to do this. we're in the hole. they are serious. the consequences of not addressing this as soon as possible are going to be, of
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greater proportions than we can manning. he has to bring out the urgency of addressing this issue and the fact that he has what it takes to address it properly. at the same time start creating jobs at a healthy pace which we haven't been able to do. >> governor? pleasure to meet you. a big start to our being evening. we'll be back after the break. all energy development comes with some risk, but proven technologies allow natural gas producers to supply affordable, cleaner energy, while protecting our environment. across america, these technologies protect air - by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions... ...protect water - through conservation and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint and respecting wildlife.
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we can choose to follow a declining path toward a future that is dimmer and more dangerous than our past. or we can choose to reform our failing government, revitalize our ailing economy, and renew the foundations of our power and leadership in the world. that is what is at stake in this election. >> fighting talk from john mccain. the last republican to run against barack obama. joining me now, one of the top people from the president's re-election campaign. the deputy campaign manager. welcome. you must feel at home in a room
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like this. >> yes. all my friends. >> all celebrating their big speech. >> they're all so happy to see me. >> try if you can and be impartial here. two previous speeches. putting aside the content. they went down very well. they hit the right buttons. >> i think congressman ryan played the role of vice presidential attack dog and i think he did it very well. it was 40 minutes of pure vitriol with no facts and no plans for what he and mitt romney would do to move this country forward. and i found that interesting. just a few weeks ago when mitt romney announced that he was pick paul ryan he called ryan the intellectual leader of the republican party. he did not really demonstrate that tonight. not one new idea on the tabl but did he present a bunch of dishonest attacks on the president. if you'll allow me, i'll walk through them one by one. he attack the president for closing an auto plant that closed under president bush. >> that is indisputable. that plant closed in president
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bush's tenure. >> he attacked the president for cutting medicare but he used those same savings in medicare to in his own budget. paul ryan used in it his own budget to pay for. at a cuts for the wealthy. the difference is the president put those savings back into medicare. paul ryan is using it to cut. at a for the wealthy. he criticized the president from away from the bowls simpson plan. he voted against that plan. i found pun believable that he is criticizing the president when he himself who served on the commission, votes against that plan. we learned just a couple weegs a ago from both the new york times. that it would have reduced our deficits and strengthens our economy. prevented the downgrade that we experienced. >> so he was a bit -- >> paul ryan said don't do it. >> so he was a bit loose with the facts. rudolph giuliani said, everyone does that in political speeches.
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a bit larlialarming but they. do you can hardly complain i saw an attack ad where you accused mitt romney of basically killing a woman. >> you know that's not our ad. that's an outside group. >> a super pac. >> we're legally not allowed to coordinate with. if you want to talk about attack ads that are completely unfactual and complete false lies. let's talk about mitt romney's welfare ad that he is running right now. what the difference is -- >> i get it. >> mitt romney has to stand by his ad. he says at the end i'm mitt romney and i approve this ad. >> whereas the super pac ads. it is simply being run by people who used to work in the white house. >> that we don't communicate with. >> come on. >> you know what the laws are. >> let's move on. whichever way you look at this, and my view is everyone is each other with healthy gusty and it is probably always like that. let's get to the bigger picture. it is clearly, this room tonight felt energized.
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condoleezza rice coming on the back of mitt romney's wife last night. then paul ryan. big speeches. chris christie. a bit divisive and many people liked it. they're hitting the w the big guns and big speeches. how are you going to respond next week? >> conventions aren't just about what happened in the convention hall. they're about how you communicate with the american people. they might be rallying the people in that hall. it is a rallying cry for republicans. they're finally getting unified in this election behind mitt romney even though 30% of them still wish they were voting for somebody else. so they're getting unified. i think next week you'll see the president and all of our speakers next week talk to the american people. and talk about how we're going to move this country forward. not just the people in that hall. we're not going to be speaking to just some. that's a big difference. not one single speaker laid out a plan even one idea of how
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they're going to move this country forward. not one single speaker really talked about mitt romney. >> well -- tomorrow night we'll hear from the man himself. his big speech. are you joining the party in the grill? >> i may for a little bit. >> we have a very special bartender. john king is behind the bar, apparently serving -- there he is. serving the beers. >> so a great pleasure to order john king to get you a nice beer to recover from your deal of this interview. see you next week. coming up, a close personal friend of paul ryan. i'll get his take on the big speech from the vp candidate. and later my political all-star panel on whether this is a turning point for the campaign. you see us, at the start of the day. on the company phone list that's a few names longer.
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we're we are back in the cnn
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grill. everyone is talking about who is the real paul ryan? this gentleman knows better than most. a congressman from wisconsin. you've known paul ryan a few years. what is the real guy like in. >> i think you saw the real guy there last night. he is a family man who is very methodical in the way he goes through life. he knows his politics. he knows what he believes. hengs his family and i think he laid it out. the vision that he and mitt romney have for america. >> you said yesterday that mitt romney can be a bit stiff. are you hoping he will be a bit stiff. >> did i say that? i think his vision for america and as moms and dads across there country look to see the vision for this country, they're hook at the policy. not the soaring rhetoric of obama. they're sick of that. they're looking at ideas. that's why i think romney-ryan will do well. >> paul ryan was a bit
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disingenuous with some facts. >> what are you talking about? >> what with the gm plan that closed under president bush that he blamed obama for in. >> i haven't researched that. it was my understanding that it did close under obama. >> no, no. it was under president bush. >> i haven't done the research. what else have you got? >> pretty awful to blame him for a place that closed under the republican administration? >> we're talking about big ideas. i haven't done the research so i can't answer it. but barack obama is full of a lot of words in the white house but not a lot of leadership. we're talking about a society where americans can start off mowing lawns and warrick dishes and they know that's not their station in life. they can advance, grow, and become a vice presidential candidate. that is manager. and he laid that vision out. so i don't know about the gm plan. bing the vision that will create jobs, grow the economy, pay down the debt. real ideas that can grow america. instead of a failed set of policy that have left us in a
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really bad place. >> what about paul ryan's position on social issues like abortion? he is pretty right wing to the more extreme end of the party. are you concerned that will be perceived as anti-women? >> i think what the issue is that extremists, when barack obama has voted four time to say, if you have a failed abortion and the baby is born alive, you are not allowed to save it. that is what is extreme. and i think we have to have a real conversation. not just on social issues but the real issues that americans care about. which is the debt, the economy, which is jobs. mom and dads across america. moms -- >> if you're trying to target women. which mitt romney has to do. he is way behind on women. is it really advisable to have people like todd akin raring their ugly heads coming out with all this gunfire about rape? >> i was a prosecutor. i prosecuted rape cases for adults and children. and that the democratic party will try to use rape as a political football, that's a disgraceful i'm disgusted by it.
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>> i see. >> i called it a disgray but it should be be used politically. you have all republicans standing up to say that was wrong. we don't approve and now it is being used politically? that's disgusting. let's talk about this have the issues this country faces. that is what this is about. diverting on issues that are a step away from obama's record that has failed to create jobs, grow the economy and pay down the debt. >> good to see you. we'll be back after the break with my all-star panel to discuss all the big issues tonight. paul ryan, condoleezza. great shot.
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welcome back to the cnn grill. it is absolutely buzzing tonight with gossip and intrigue. debate and reaction to the big
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speech tonight by condoleezza rice and of course, by republican paul ryan. i've been joined now by two new guests. social issues are front and center. the cornerstone of the republican party. is the gop stand too extreme? these guys will tell me. this is the co-founder and executive director of go proud. advocacy group for gay conservatives and joining me, "time" magazine's columnist. welcome, gentlemen. how are you? >> hi. >> i'm curious. you're the only proper gay group backed by the romney-ryan particular. why would you do that when they want to get rid of you? their this is election is big thaern a single issue. we have two distinct choices. we have the failed big government choices of obama or we have the different direction that is of limited governor
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government, pro. we're for a conservative i. >> do you believe in gay marriage? >> i do, i do. >> how can you support the ticket which is so resolutely opposed to gay marriage. the answer is you have to have a date before you get married. and everyone knows you cannot get married or get a date without a job. i mean, the issues that are front and center in this election are the same for all americans including gay americans. gay americans are living in the obama economy and that's the reality all voters are facing when they go into the voting booth. >> what do you make of this? it is an unusual situation. i didn't imagine there were any gay groups that would support the romney ticket. >> at the gay bar at the honey pot. there were like 800 republicans there. grover norquist was there. and they're not the only gay republican group. they're like the splinter gay republican group from the log
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cabin republicans. there are a lot, not a lot but more gay republicans than you think. >> we had the biggest event ever hosted by a gay organization, at a republican convention. not the size matters but it was huge and it made a big statement that this is the reality of the republican party. and the conservative movement embraces gay conservatives. and there are a few people who focus on the platform who, this is their number one issue. and the fact of the matter is, the grassroots movement conservatives all across the country are no different than anyone else in the country. they're thinking about these issues in a different way now. >> what are the other shooss? abortion is a hot issue because of what todd akin said last week. a bit of a dust-up. you have a republican platform here which is pretty right wing and isn't changing. they still want a platform that says with abortion, there can be
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no exceptions. not in the case of incest and rape. or even -- >> i find that extraordinary. that they're not prepared to move at all. particularly given mitt romney himself has moved, as has paul ryan. >> it is between right and the very far right and it is a big fight here. and it is a bit of a fight even among the gay republicans. his group is further right than the log cabin republicans. >> i think that it is important to remember the platform carries no rights and responsibilities. no force in law. >> it is a statement. >> i honestly think there are more people in our party last night than the republican platform. it is something that the day after it is written, candidates all over the country say i don't agree with the whole platform. >> i don't know. >> the only one here who has read a platform before. >> i come from a party is the manifesto of a party is what they stand for. here the platform is one thing
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and everybody ignores it and does something else. i find that weird. do you know why there is such a disregarded thing? >> well, yeah. the platform is used for like the wish list and it is also use to compromise. let's deem the ron paul delegates from yelling and give the santorum folks a few thing. >> i think he is right. there are some people who kael wear about it so they get bones thrown to them. >> if mitt romney wins, are you going to be writing to the editor and say now you've won with my support. i want to you start supporting gay rights. >> i want him to do exactly what the american people want. >> would you do that? >> i would do that. >> jimmy? >> jobs in the economy first. >> best of luck. what do you say to the people? >> economy, speeches. all the dirt to be. next i'll have my own spot legal team on the spot. did paul ryan deliver in the big moment?
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wells fargo. together we'll go far. after four years of getting the run around, america needs a turn-around and the man for the job is governor mitt romney. >> the man of the night, paul ryan. the vice presidential candidate taking the stage by storm and slamming the president time and time again. but did he deliver? let's bring him up. ben smith, editor-in-chief. may reston, cnn contributor, washington correspondent, and from "time" magazine. welcome to you all. 12:50 in the morning. i'll have a little sit-down.
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the whole point is we can all enjoy ourselves, relax and consider the big picture. did paul ryan succeed? i thought it was interesting watching your twitter feed. we can all in real-time now see the reaction from so many people. i got the feeling the reaction was early on a bit nervous. a bit stilted. then he got more confident. he got to the economy. his numbers, the sort of stock in trade. he hit some big points. >> i think he got done what he needed to get done? he attack obama without being a one note attack dog. he projected the kind of hopeful he introduced himself. if there was anything missing from this whole thing, it has been mitt romney. there was not very much. >> how much pressure is mitt romney under now? we've seen some great speeches, i think. i thought ann romney was terrific. i actually liked chris christie. >> i thought tonight, cooleezza rice blew the roof off. >> she did. then you have paul ryan doing a very good job. if i'm mitt romney, i'm like,
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wow! >> i think that paul ryan tonight did what he needed to do which was to be a little more understated. he has been able to kind of talk about his story and in janesville and really try to connection with that blue collar audience and tell the story. not the blue blood story but the middle class story. that mitt romney won't be able to tell tomorrow night. so in many ways, he did not overshadow mitt romney tomorrow night the way a chris christie might have. where the crowd was electrified. >> let's cut to the quick. he was pretty disingenuous with the facts. >> this is the point i was going to bring up. on the aesthetics of the speech, he was the only person we've seen who had that crowd in the palm of his hand. the enthusiasm was off the charts in the arena. we'll see if this speech survives the fact checking and the scrutiny. when you say obama took $700
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billion out of medicare and your own budget did the same thing, you have a problem. you say, you criticized the president for not keeping this factory open when it actually closed -- >> he hammered him for the bailouts. we know now that he was trying to get that himself. lots of thing i thought were very disingenuous. i was like, why expose yourself to fact checking? >> and these are won and lost not necessarily tonight but in the two or three days afterwards when the press picks the pieces apart and fact checks them. >> the ac/dc line was terrific. >> i do not believe he works out to led zeppelin. >> that was a nice moment. >> he was right about romney and elevator music though surely. mitt romney has to be a carpenters kind of guy.
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>> it was kind of nice. it went after mitt romney's stiffness. everyone wants in on the joke a little bit. about the generational gap. >> if i was mitt romney, i would come out tomorrow with my britney headset. a whole lot of rosie wearing a pair of angus young shorts. >> you will never be the republican nominee. >> that's what i would. do. >> he listens to the killers, right? >> one of the thing that's interesting. tonight, a game we heard from paul ryan about faith, religion. they've been hiding this for months. i think they realize it is an electoral asset. that mitt romney is a good guy. he doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, doesn't take drugs, doesn't womenize and he prays. >> the idea that if you are a religious person no matter what your faith, is you have something in common. >> i thought it was a very smart
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point to make. >> it was not like a calculation. i think they got really badly burned. in 2007 you had voters, they wouldn't shake ann romney's hand because she was a mormon. they were really badly hurt by it. i think it is something they decided they can do it. i think the advisers have been urging them for a while. >> tonight, paul ryan opened that conversation for mitt romney tomorrow night by really walking in and talking about the shared creed among all the people. and mitt romney has been so cautious about this subject and it is really something humanizes him. and paul ryan allowed him to go there tomorrow night and he wants to. >> i think he's been hiding here for too long. everybody knows as he committed mormon. he donates tens of millions of dollars to the mormon faith. the mormons are not some weird sect. >> but many do believe that. >> and of the people who really
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have a doctrinal issue with mormons, not a lot will vote for barack obama. >> let's talk about that. if you cannot talk about your leadership at bain and you can't talk about your mormonism or your tenure as massachusetts governor. >> a quick final break. when we come back i want to get a bit more on this. and a verdict. is mitt romney going to kill it or be killed tomorrow night? ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you've been years in the making.
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